Feeding Therapy (Infants, Toddlers, School Age)
Our Speech Pathologists and Occupational Therapists will work together and individually to create a feeding team to help your child engage in the following:
- Expanding foods
- Helping children with poor weight gain
- Transitioning from a bottle to baby foods and first foods
- Children/toddlers described as “picky”
- Children who are gagging, choking, or spitting foods out
- Children or toddlers refusing to try new foods
- Children or toddlers not eating enough for meals
- Children needing to watch shows or be distracted while eating
The Dream Team prides itself on holding a variety of Certifications and Specialized Trainings which may include:
- SOS approach to feeding
- Beckman Oral Motor Approach
- Oral MyoFunctional Therapy
- Go Map: Oral Motor Movements for feeding therapy
- Swallow Right Programs
- Beckman Feeding Programs
Children who would benefit include:
- Children with a limited number of foods they will eat
- Children on feeding tubes
- Children who are drooling frequently
- Children who are spitting foods out
- Children who are mouth stuffing
- Children who are gagging, choking, or coughing while eating
- Children who are losing weight due to not eating
- Children who have difficulty sitting down and need distractions to eat (such as an iPad)