Promoting Physical Development and Motor Skills Through Play!

Welcome to Free Gross Motor Skills and Foundational Movement Classes Led by our Specialized Pediatric Physical Therapists!

Our Classes are designed to work on

  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Flexibility
  • Strength

These Fundamental and Foundational Skills are all focused THROUGH PLAY. These classes will focus on performing foundational movements to assist with your child’s development, every day activities, and overall gross motor skills while participating with their peers.

We will focus on foundational skills including throwing and catching in simple and complex games (think back to gym class with a twist), walking on a balance beam, relays, squats and lunges, and many more!

All are welcome to participate as activities can be adjusted for any of our friends!

Our Weekly Classes at a Glance:

  • Sports All-Stars: Ages 6-9 on Thursdays at 4:30
    - MAX 8 kids per class
  • Putting the Fun in Functional Movement: Ages 10-12 on Mondays at 5
    - MAX 10 kids per class


  • All classes are free to everyone!
  • Sign up is first come first serve
  • Length: 1 hour

To Register: Just Give us a Call at 615-651-4833 and we will Reserve your Spot.